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Join Mira on her incredible adventure of embracing her Indian culture! Pre-order available today, to be released in the first week of March.

(Paperback) Slipping In Sarees

Delivered on day of release (March 1st)!
  • Slipping in Sarees follows Mira, a young Indian girl, eager to wear her mother's saree. Mira loves looking at her mom's old photo albums. So many pictures of bright, colorful Indian clothes! She wants to look like that too...and so Mira sets off on an unforgettable journey to conquer the saree herself and prove that she doesn't need anyone's help doing it. Or does she? She faces obstacles along the way, but ultimately succeeds in finding her own unique way of wearing the saree. Through the story, readers learn the importance of self-expression and asking for help. Slipping In Sarees is a fun and inspiring read for any young reader looking to explore Indian culture.

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